The Bringer of War (The Sheynan Trilogy Book 2) Read online

Page 15

  Darien watched Jason as he looked from one companion to the next. Darien’s eyes focused on the marking on Jason’s hand. It was a rune similar to the ones he was burned with when the Shadows tried to convert him through force, but something seemed off. Would it even work on the hand? He was far from an expert on it, and he doubted even the Arm knew for sure. Each side had their own secrets.

  Richard started to snore and Darien realized just how early it was. Considering how exhausted he felt, he had trouble picturing what Richard and Jason were going through. The least they could do for Jason’s help was give him a place to stay for the night.

  “For now, let’s all just get some needed rest. We can talk about this in the morning.”

  “Thanks, guys. I didn’t know what I was gonna do. It’s so messed up. I don’t even know what the hell they want.”

  Susan grabbed one of the pillows off of their bed and handed it to Jason. Darien pulled up the top comforter and held it out as well. He took them both and curled up against the wall, keeping his eyes on the bed until they drooped shut and he fell asleep. It wasn’t long before Darien followed suit.

  The next morning, the group took about an hour to get ready. All three of the men needed to shower. Jason wore some of Darien’s clothes since they were about the same size. Once everyone was finished with their morning routine, the group headed down to the ground floor to get breakfast together. Darien got off on the third floor to fetch Bridget. He knocked on her door and she opened it only a crack. When she saw Darien in the hallway, she made it wide enough for him to step through, and then closed it behind him.

  He surveyed the room in a deliberate attempt to not pay too much attention to Bridget. She had a towel wrapped around her torso. It draped down to cover her from her chest to the top of her thighs. Darien scratched the back of his neck and looked out the window. He heard the towel flop onto the floor of the bathroom.

  “I hope you slept well.”

  “I did. I feel ready for whatever the day may throw at us.”

  “We’re heading down to the restaurant in the hotel and getting breakfast, if you’d like to come with us. Richard came back last night.”

  “I’d like that. I’m glad to hear your friend is safe.”

  She walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder to let him know that she was dressed and ready. They made their way to the restaurant, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. When they entered the restaurant, Bridget grabbed Darien’s elbow in a tight grip and pulled him back. Darien felt the weight of Susan’s stare as she noticed the interaction.

  “That man’s a Shadow,” Bridget hissed.

  “What? Who?”

  “Trust me, Darien. I know that the man sitting across from Susan is a Shadow. At least, he was a few days ago.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I saw him following you and working with another Shadow. They stood in an alley and were keeping tabs on your truck.”

  Darien turned and looked at the group. It did seem convenient that Richard was able to escape so easily considering how long it took them to even find a lead on the Shadow base. He believed Bridget could be telling the truth, but couldn’t act on it right now.

  The two of them continued to the table. When they got closer, Darien introduced Bridget to Richard and Jason. Throughout the course of the meal, Darien found himself often looking at Jason and studying everything he did. Whenever he caught himself doing it, he stopped and focused on the food before him. Every instinct that he had told him that Bridget was telling the truth, but the question was what to do about it.

  Conversation was stilted over the course of the meal. No one seemed willing to talk. There was a lot Darien wanted to say, but considering that a significant portion of it involved either Jason or Bridget, he held his tongue. Once they finished and paid for the meal, they got up as a group and went to the lobby. It had multiple small meeting rooms attached to it. They walked into one of the rooms with a large oval-shaped table in the center. They each took a seat around the perimeter. Susan spoke up first.

  “Perhaps it would be best if the three of us talked alone for a minute.”

  Richard and Darien looked at each other and nodded. Darien turned to Bridget.

  “Do you mind waiting in the lobby?”

  “Not at all.”

  “And I can keep her company,” Jason agreed.

  The two new arrivals left the room and the three remaining companions waited several seconds before anyone spoke. Susan was the first to break the silence.

  “So, after a few months of searching, we finally know where the Shadows are hiding out. What do we do? We can’t just go in there and blow it up.”

  “If we go in there without a plan, then we’re just going to wind up back in those cells and this time, I probably won’t be so lucky. I might be able to get a copy of the floor plans, but I don’t know how up to date they’ll be.”

  Darien nodded. “That would be helpful. If this place is as big as you made it sound, we’re going to need all the help we can get. It’s going to be more than just a few Shadows to deal with.”

  “Speaking of help we should talk about Jason and Bridget. I know you guys both have reasons for trusting them, but I don’t trust either one yet.”

  “I don’t trust Jason. Yes, he helped me out, but that’s not enough. It was too easy. I don’t have any way of knowing if his story is true. He could be a cub, or it could be an act. For now, I’m willing to give him the chance, but I sure as hell plan on watching what I say around him.”

  “I think he’s dangerous. Bridget told me he’s a Shadow. She’s sure of it.”

  “And how would she know unless she was one?” Susan asked.

  “Trust me, she’s not.”

  Richard slammed his fist on the table. Both of the others jumped.

  “Enough bickering. It won’t get us anywhere. Just be on your guard around both of them. We need to act on what we know. We came here to deal with the Shadows and we have a chance now. So, we need to get to work. If Jason still wants to be around us, I’ll take him for a ride when I try and get those floor plans. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  Susan tightened her lips into a thin line and Darien chewed on his bottom lip. When neither of them provided an alternative solution, Richard stood and left the room. Within a couple of minutes, Bridget walked in.

  “I assumed I could come in since your private meeting was over.”

  No one spoke for several seconds. Darien searched for something to fill the void, but came up blank. He wanted to talk to Bridget about being a Sheynan and the disease, but he promised not to mention it to Susan. He knew that Susan wouldn’t like what he was going to say next. His legs tensed in anticipation of her reaction.

  “I need to talk with Bridget about a few things.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Susan got up to leave and Darien walked with her back to the elevators. Bridget remained in the meeting room, waiting for him to return.

  Susan did not look at him as she waited for an elevator. She got on and pressed the button for their floor, keeping her back to him the entire time. When they got to the room, she whirled around. Her voice was softer than he anticipated and it threw him off guard.

  “I don’t want to hear it. Just be careful. I think my gut is right on this one.”

  “I will be. And don’t worry about it. Nothing’s going to happen. There’s no need to be jealous.”

  As soon as he said it he regretted it. He meant it as a joke, but it was a mistake to say. That knowledge came to him too late. Susan’s hands tightened on the door and she shifted her weight onto her back foot.

  “You think a lot of yourself. Don’t pawn this off on me. Let’s not forget what you said last night.”

  “I was kidding.”

  “For your information, I don’t trust Jason yet either. But, since you seem so obsessed with Bridget’s virtue I just thought I’d point out that you hardly know her.”

  When he c
ouldn’t offer any response, Susan slammed the door. Darien walked back down the hallway, shaking his head. When he got back to the lobby, Bridget was waiting with a smile on her face.

  Chapter 19

  The artificial lights in the shaft leading up to the sky were still on. It was too early for the sun to shine into the chamber and hit the photo receptors to turn off the artificial light. Cameron stood in the circle of light, behind the chair. Twitch sat in it, his wrists and ankles bound with a metal cord. The restraints were tight enough to make his wrists bleed when he struggled. Dried blood around the edges of the cord were testament to this fact. His torn jeans provided a modicum of protection for his ankles. His head hung to one side and his eyes wandered around the room without focusing on anything. He parted his lips and uttered a soft whimper with every breath.

  In front of him, Gregory sat at his desk with his hands folded into a steeple. On either side of the desk, two guards stood at attention. They came just close enough to the light that their silhouettes would be visible as vague shapes. The door to the chamber was shut, but Gregory heard the hushed whispers of a large crowd on the other side.

  “You’re quite the distinguished guest of honor. I cannot recall the last time such a large congregation formed outside my chambers.”

  Twitch’s head rolled from one side to the other as it followed the trail of his wandering stare. Cameron reached out and curled his fingers into Twitch’s hair and forced him to stare at Gregory. He did not jerk or pull, he held it in place with a rigid grasp.

  “Are you still with us, Twitch?”

  The captive blinked his eyes a few times in rapid succession, causing them to water. He struggled against Cameron’s grip and whimpered, but couldn’t move his head. His legs jerked and the chair rattled as he tried to squirm. Cameron tugged, forcing Twitch to lift his chin.

  “Answer him.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course. I wouldn’t leave you, sir. I would never leave you.”

  “Your actions would indicate the exact opposite. You did leave us and during your departure removed something of critical importance. Do you deny it?”

  Cameron gave another jerk of his arm as Twitch tried to turn his head to the side. Twitch’s response came out as a whine.

  “No, sir, I know I left. I just needed to leave for a bit. I needed air, the fresh air of the tunnels. It was beautiful. I just needed air.”

  “I see. So this was just a leave of absence?”

  Twitch sat up straight and tried to nod. He spoke so fast that his words ran together.

  “Yes, sir. That’s it. I wanted to get a chance to relax so I could come back and serve you better. I live to serve. My entire life has been in service and that is my lot. I like to serve. I serve you and her and him.”

  “Who are these others that you serve? Is Bridget the ‘her’?”

  Sweat appeared on Twitch’s brow and trickled down the sides of his face. His eye movements became more frantic and he struggled against the bonds while he stuttered. Cameron twisted his hand in the hair and placed his other hand on Twitch’s shoulder. He drove his fingers into the crevice just behind the collar bone. He pushed down, digging his fingers in. Twitch yelped and tried to twist away, almost knocking the chair over. Cameron remained firm with his grip and prevented Twitch from maneuvering away from the pain. Gregory pointed at Cameron, instructing him to relieve the pressure. Twitch panted several times before he stammered a response.

  “Yes, sir. You’re right. You’re always right. I could never hide anything from you and never would. I’m your faithful servant. I serve. I like to serve. I can mop the floors. I used to mop the floors at the restaurant. Would you like me to mop floors?”

  “Who else?”

  “Who else? My mother would mop the floor. She taught me. I liked my mother, before she saw me. Before she saw what I was. She screamed. It hurt my ears. I never liked my father.”

  “Who else do you serve?”

  “The ones we should serve—the ones who can be anything. I only just met him when you took me away. He’s different than the others, different than her.”

  He obviously meant Darien. Apparently, meeting the Sheynan had quite an effect on the man’s already-addled brain. Gregory was not surprised. Most shifters didn’t know the Sheynan were anything more than a legend until recently. They were powerful and intimidating, which was why they should be aligned with the Shadows.

  “A man cannot serve more than one master. Should your masters act in opposition to each other, who would you align yourself with?”

  Twitch hesitated, trying to squirm in the chair. Each time he attempted to move, Cameron tightened his grip to ensure the prisoner’s cooperation. He grasped Twitch around the neck behind the jaw, forcing him to face the desk. His other hand remained tangled in Twitch’s hair. After a moment, Twitch’s body language changed like a switch flipped inside him. He stared straight ahead of his own volition and even raised his chin. He laughed in the maniacal way he had.

  “Bridget. She will be queen. It’s only a matter of time. Time, time, flowing through the glass. And when she rules over us, she will reward me. And we’ll look down on all who wanted to fight her. No one can stop her!”

  Cameron glanced over at Gregory, seeking a cue. His leader moved two fingers in a sweeping motion. Cameron did as instructed and released Twitch to let him rave unhindered.

  “She is learning, she will learn. She seeks friends, powerful allies. When she’s with them, she’ll get what she needs. When she does, she’ll be the queen and none will dare oppose her. Maybe she’ll take a king, or maybe she’ll rule over all by herself. She is strong, and brave! Brave like you and Cameron. She will come. You’ll see; you’ll wish you didn’t. Want to be blind, blind as a bat. Squeak squeak in the night!”

  Gregory picked up on the most important piece of the rant. So Bridget wanted to ally herself with Darien. That was intriguing. The two of them together would be a formidable force. He knew she was spying on him, but didn’t know that she was actively getting close. That would make her a better assassin if it came to it. It also made her actions and probable location much easier to predict.

  “Leave us.”

  The guardians walked toward the large door to the chamber. When they opened it, the throng outside took several shuffling steps back. The ones in front stumbled over each other in an attempt to get out of the way of the advancing Shadows. Almost in unison, the crowd members each had something else that demanded their immediate attention and they dispersed. One of the bodyguards reached in, grabbed the handle, and slammed the door shut. At the sound, Twitch jumped and squirmed again against his bonds. The dried wounds around his wrists broke open and blood trickled down his fingers to fall on the floor in a small splash.

  “You believe that Bridget will soon have the necessary pieces to complete the ritual that will prevent her inevitable destruction?”

  “She’ll have it all soon. She already has half, and will soon find the other piece. When she does, she’ll be cured and none will dare oppose her. Not even you, sir. You are above me, I know, but she is beyond you. That’s why I serve her. I’m a good servant. What do you need done? I’ll do it for you, I swear.”

  “Have you ever considered the possibility that she won’t be able to acquire the second piece? Considering her age, I imagine she’s in the later stages of her disease. It’s a testament to her willpower she survived as long as she has. If she fails, which she will, how will your loyalty serve you then?”

  Twitch whined in response and followed it with whimpering. He thrashed in the chair, making it rock on the floor. He kept repeating “no” over and over.

  “Enough. If all goes according to plan, her misfortunate birthright will claim her before she is able to become a source of more difficulty.”

  There was nothing more that he needed from Twitch at this time. But, the man could still be useful. Both Darien and Bridget knew Twitch and there might be some part for him to play in the events to come. Gregory
was not prone to disposing of a piece when its immediate need was fulfilled. A pawn only needed to reach the last row to become a queen.

  Gregory lifted his hand and Cameron stepped back out of the circle of light to stand near the door. Gregory stood up, becoming one with the darkness around him. Twitch jerked hard enough in response that the chair leaned dangerously on two legs, and then toppled over to the floor with a crash. The chair and the bindings remained solid despite the sudden impact. Twitch strained his neck and tried to look in every direction.

  Without a noise and surprising speed, Gregory lunged forward, picking up the chair and slamming it down to the ground on all four legs. The impact rattled Twitch and he clenched his jaw tight. Gregory slid both of his black hands up to Twitch’s shoulders and pulled him closer until their faces were inches apart. Twitch shook hard enough to make the chair clatter against the floor. He looked away from the swirling mist in front of his face, squinting his eyes shut so tight that tears streamed down his cheeks.

  “You can only have one master. If you choose to leave the comfort of our sanctuary in the service of another, then you’re no longer a Shadow. You came to us seeking solace, and we rewarded you with safe haven. But you’ve betrayed us, and the punishment for that must be severe.”

  “Please don’t kill me! I don’t want to die. I don’t want to go into the black where no one comes back. It’s so cold, please don’t put me there. I don’t like the cold. I get sick. I get sick and I shiver and I sneeze. Please don’t make me cold.”

  Gregory leaned forward, gently pushing Twitch’s head to the side so he could put his mouth near Twitch’s ear. He whispered so that his voice came out as a hiss.

  “I would much prefer to have you rejoin our ranks, but I am aware of your loyalties. I cannot allow you to be set free for your transgressions, no matter how much it pains me to have to dispose of one of my own.”

  Twitch howled a blood curdling scream and he soiled his pants. The hands closed around his throat, cutting off the scream in a wet gurgle. He tried to kick for a while, but then his struggling ceased. Gregory let go, and Twitch’s head fell to his chest. He was still alive.