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The Bringer of War (The Sheynan Trilogy Book 2) Page 18

  The crowd’s voice rose to a fevered pitch. The man in the center led them in their intensity. He screamed so loud that his face flushed. At one point he tilted his head back and looked up to the sky with his arms splayed out to either side. The entire scene gave Darien the impression of a lynch mob.

  “Retrieve the book!”

  Two men sprinted into the largest building in the village. The group turned and waited in hushed tension for them to return. Suddenly, one of the men stumbled backwards through the door clutching at his chest and coughing. He fell back and had to use his free hand to keep his balance. The crowd stared with slack jaws. A man dressed in black stepped out of the house holding a book under one arm. Darien recognized him as the other man from his previous memory dream. The white leader pointed an accusatory finger at the interloper.

  “You’d dare to steal from us? From one of your own kind? The council will hear of this!”

  “Let them! Releasing the Sheynan and allowing them to roam free will endanger us all. You know this, and yet you’d use the Sheynan in a war? Have you gone mad?”

  The crowd bristled at the accusation, and even at his distance, Darien felt the tension in the air. They took a step towards the man in black.

  “Give us the book, and we’ll save your villages when the humans try to hunt you down.”

  “I can’t. The Sheynan were never meant to walk this world for more than a few years. That’s why they’re sick.”

  The young woman in the center winced in response to the words. She tried to crouch down and cover herself with her arms, but the bald man grabbed her arm and held her up.

  “Don’t listen to him. He’s a traitor to his own kind. He’d sacrifice us all out of his own fear. He’d rather serve the humans than have them serve us.”

  “We are human! We’re just different, and the rest of the world needs time to understand that.”

  “You lie! We are superior! You are a fool and a heretic to the ways of Gaia!”

  The name made Darien jump. He stared ahead with wide eyes, riveted by the scene playing out before him. Could this be one of the first members of the Arm of Gaia? The division between the shifters took on a new light.

  “I stand by my decision; we must learn to live with regular humans, not try to rule them. I will not allow you to release the Sheynan upon the world. It would guarantee our demise.”

  “And how will you stop us?”

  From his vantage point, Darien saw two men circling around the hut and coming at the man in black from behind. He appeared oblivious. Darien took a step forward, but Gregory held him back with a hand on his shoulder.

  “Remember, we’re observers. You cannot change the past.”

  “I’ll take this from you and hide it until you’re worthy of it once again.”

  “Retrieve the rituals!”

  At his command the crowd surged forward like a tidal wave. The man in black turned to run, but skidded to a stop when he saw the two assailants behind him. He changed direction and ran into the home, slamming the door behind him moments before the wave of people crashed against it. They pounded with their shoulders, and the entire house shifted from the strength of their efforts, but the door held firm.

  A dark shadow sifted through the cracks between the wood beams at the back of the house. Once it was free, the black shape tightened and took on the form of a man. The thief stood there, holding the book against his chest just as the door to the home was battered down. He spared a glance at the mob and then sprinted to the tree line.

  “Get him! Reach him before he gets to the trees!”

  He sprinted for the safety of cover, but the trees were still far away. A herd of creatures chased after him, some running on two legs and others on four. A few birds soared above and dove at his face, trying to scratch him or peck at his eyes. Using one arm to stave off the aerial assault, he continued to run to the safety of the woods.

  Darien tried to move again, but Gregory held on. He pointed to the center of the village, and Darien followed the extended finger. The Sheynan was shifting, and it appeared to be causing her pain. She fell to the ground on her knees and pressed her hands against her forehead. Her scream echoed across the plains and made the pursuers pause and turn around. The woman’s form faded away as she fell over into the dirt and clutched at her abdomen. Her body jerked with spasms as she took on a new form. The transformation lasted a few agonizing seconds, and then her screams were replaced with the trumpeting of an elephant.

  The creature whipped its head around in a mad fury and the tusks ripped the roof off of a home. A few stragglers were unfortunate enough to get caught underneath her feet as she brought them down with a sickening crunch. The chase for the thief momentarily abated, and he was able to enter the safety of the woods. He disappeared into the darkness. Meanwhile, the village leader screamed with his hands raised up in an attempt to calm the beast. It swung its massive trunk and connected with him in the center of his body. He flew through the air to tumble across the grass. He tried to push himself up to his feet, but fell face down in the dirt.

  Other creatures ran at the monstrous creature as it continued to advance. The elephant only grew more enraged, lashing out at anything that was close enough to strike. Most of the creatures were too quick for the lumbering monstrosity and dodged to safety. A few unlucky souls were caught by the tusks or crushed underfoot. The village elder approached the beast a second time with a young man supporting him under his right arm. When he got close, he called out in an authoritative tone, raising one hand with the palm out.

  “Control yourself! Contain your emotions and return to us! We will cure you. Do not be afraid.”

  The possessed Sheynan turned her attention on the fragile old man. It took several steps forward, shaking the ground with each one. Others tried to turn the beast away, to no avail. Most scurried to get out of its path. The old man remained still and did not show the slightest hint of weakness.

  “I command you to stop and contain yourself!”

  The creature was so close that the air from its breath brushed past the man and ruffled his clothes. It bent its head down to deliver a killing swipe with deadly tusks. In mid-swing the monster stopped, inches from connecting with the still-unmoving leader. The eyes focused on the man standing his ground, and the beast dropped her head. With a whimper, the elephant dropped to the ground and began to fade away. The whimpering turned into sobbing as the girl once again took her human form. The bald man walked forward with a limp, leaned down, and gently brushed her hair out of her face. Her arms and legs were covered in scratches and bite marks from her ordeal. A few others came close and carried her into one of the houses.

  “Did we get the book back?”

  Darien couldn’t hear the response, but heard the leader continue.

  “We must hunt him down. If we’re to survive, then we need the power of the Sheynan. Without that book and those rituals, the Sheynan cannot be counted on. Search every shadow until you find him, and bring me back our book!”

  As the people milled about repairing the damage, the two outside observers walked back into the woods away from the destruction. After traveling for a few minutes, they each sat down on a rock by the edge of the pool. Darien reached down and let his fingers trace ripples through the water, staring at them as his mind absorbed the spectacle they witnessed.

  “Is that what will happen to me?”

  “Without a cure, it is the inevitable result.”

  Darien kept silent and watched the ripples spread across the surface of the pond every time he dipped his fingers in. When he looked up, Gregory was gone.

  Darien woke up to find his companions still asleep. Susan curled up in the sheets on the far edge of the bed even though it was not that cold in the room. She had the covers tucked in on either side of her body. Darien eased out of bed, trying not to shake the mattress. He tiptoed to the door and looked back at his sleeping companions. His hand rested on the handle of the door and he was about to pull
it open when he realized that the door was loud and the latch might wake someone.

  He went to the window instead and opened it a crack. Even if he opened it as far as it would go, it would never be large enough for a human to crawl through. He closed his eyes and shifted into a gnat. The tiny insect flew forward to the screen and squeezed through one of the holes. Once on the other side and free of the room, he shifted again. He took on the form of a falcon and flapped his wings to get to a soaring height.

  The sun was still up, but close to touching the horizon. As Darien climbed up to the clouds he kept his attention focused ahead of him. The land sped by as he soared to his secret meeting place with Alyssa. As soon as he arrived, he settled down on a rock and took on his human form. The shift made him drop to his knees. He knelt in the dirt for a full twenty seconds, breathing deeply. He hadn’t recovered from the last twenty-four hours yet. When he was feeling steady after a couple of minutes, he pulled out his cell phone and called Alyssa.

  “What is it Darien?” The tone was short and to the point, but not annoyed.

  “I need to meet, if you can.”


  “Right now would be best.”

  “I’m not at your every beck and call. I do have my duties to attend to.”

  “I know that. It’s just that I had an opportunity to talk and some things have come up. I know it’s short notice, and I understand if you can’t.”

  “I can manage it this time. But, I want to make it clear this will not become a habit. Where are you?”

  “At our spot.”

  “I’ll be there as fast as the winds can carry me.”

  Darien hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket. Over the next several minutes he paced in a circle while waiting for Alyssa to show up. Waiting was not something that he was very good at and it seemed like he had been doing a lot of it. When Alyssa did show up he forced himself to stop pacing and watched her land on a rock across from him. Before she resumed her human form, she preened herself.

  “I’m glad you could come out to see me.”

  “I told you that I’ll help however I can, but that doesn’t mean at every hour of the day.”

  Darien nodded. It would be best to get straight to the point and not waste any of her time.

  “Did you find anything out about the memory dreams?”

  “No, I haven’t. I can’t find anything that either substantiates or disproves them. My contact has been out of touch. I’ve tried to call since he missed our meeting, but there was no answer. He’ll contact me when he can. I’ll need more time.”

  “That’s something I don’t have a lot of.”

  Darien resumed his pacing. A silence stretched around them, interrupted only by the sound of the wind as it whipped across the arid plain. He hesitated. Part of him knew there was no point in bringing it up, since Alyssa wouldn’t be forthcoming with information. But he had to try.

  “Is it true that I’m diseased?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Darien watched her as she responded, but her body language betrayed nothing. Then again, she was one of the most proficient liars he had ever met. As he continued to talk, he kept a watchful eye on her to see if her posture or facial expression changed.

  “I’ve heard that Sheynan suffer from a fatal sickness. Do you know anything about that?”

  It was impossible to say for sure, but it looked like she twitched. Did she know something after all? If he was her pet project, he was willing to bet she’d know more about Sheynan than anyone else he knew, except Bridget.

  “I could check the records, but I don’t know of anything off the top of my head.”

  “You’re the member of the Arm responsible for knowing the most about the Sheynan, aren’t you?”

  “Where did you hear about this?”

  “You aren’t my only resource of information. Granted, you’ve been the most reliable. And please believe me when I say I appreciate that immensely. But I’ll be blunt, are you dodging my question about the Sheynan?”

  She narrowed her eyes and took her time responding. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and took a deep breath.

  “No, I’m not dodging it. And you’re right, I’m responsible for knowing as much about the Sheynan as possible. That’s why I was chosen to first contact you.”

  “And with all your research, you’ve never heard anything about this disease that I’m talking about?”

  “I promise you, Darien, I don’t have any facts to share with you. If I did, you would know.”

  “Even if it went against what the Arm wanted?”

  She stood up and took a step forward. She thrust out her chin and stood tall. It enabled her to look down her nose at him. She looked very imperial.

  “Did you invite me out here just to interrogate me?”

  With a sigh, Darien collapsed against a rock. He let his head hang loose and looked at the ground in front of his feet. This was not how he wanted or expected the conversation to go. Then again, he didn’t know what he expected.

  “I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Anything you wish to share?”

  “Alyssa, do you even know what the Arm stands for? How they got their start? You work for the Arm, but why?”

  “We seek balance and try to protect others from the Shadows. It’s that simple.”

  “At any price? Even if it means you need to carve out your place in the world?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Never mind.”

  The two people looked at each other and sat in silence. Darien fidgeted. There was no comfortable silence between him and Alyssa. His hand strayed up to his hair and he ran his fingers through it a couple of times. Across from him, Alyssa seemed like the perfect picture of composure.

  “Is that all?” Despite the brevity of her words, her tone was not unkind.

  “Yeah, I suppose.”

  “Be careful, Darien. And don’t call for me like this again if it’s not an emergency.”


  Alyssa nodded and shook out her arms as if to loosen them up. She closed her eyes and shifted into a hawk. The bird screeched once, and then took to the skies. Darien watched her go until she was lost in the distance. After she disappeared he continued to stare in her direction, but his eyes were unfocused. He wasn’t sure who or what to believe. What were once clear lines were fading away and becoming indistinct, just like the body of a shifter taking on a new form.

  Orders to stand down has been completed. The forces mobilized to intervene have been relieved. The task force continues to operate in an observational capacity as per your instructions.

  Darien Yost and his companions—Bridget Ellison, Susan Price, Richard Gherson—will be attacking the conclave. Cameron Walker is aware of the situation and provided this update to us directly. It is unclear whether he informed his superior officer of the impending attack.

  This attack will serve as a good test of Gregory Marks’s leadership. It will also provide invaluable data about Mr. Yost’s abilities and his development. A full report should be available tomorrow morning.

  Chapter 23

  Night fell on the city, but the streets were far from empty. The moon appeared as a large white blur behind the light cloud cover. Darien, Susan, Bridget, and Richard all stood across from the Shadow headquarters. Susan carried the briefcase that contained her rifle. As they watched, people entered and left the building, and the guard greeted each one. Those that he didn’t recognize were stopped and questioned. Darien looked up at the building stretching into the sky.

  “Are we ready?” Richard asked.

  No one responded right away, and Darien could feel the doubt. He had his own concerns about their plan, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. He spoke up, trying to convince himself as much as his companions.

  “This will work. Does everyone remember what they’re supposed to do? Then let’s get started.”

  They made
their way down a couple of side streets to an abandoned alley. They walked to the manhole cover and Richard pulled a crowbar out of his jacket. He used it to pry the cover open. Darien went into the darkness first, followed by Richard, Susan, and then Bridget in the rear. Before descending, Susan tossed her gun case down to Richard. The group gathered together and Darien turned on their only flashlight. They waited as Susan assembled her rifle. When she attached the suppressor, she slung it over her shoulder. Her free hand checked the holster under her arm, and then she nodded. The group traveled down the tunnel with Darien in the lead, leaving the case behind. This tunnel should head straight to the Shadows’ complex and the underground connection that Jason told them about.

  They reached a door in the wall and stopped. According to their map, they were underneath the complex. Bridget waved the others away from the door with her hand and stood in front of it. She shifted into a creature so small that Darien lost track of her. The three of them waited. After several seconds, they heard a click, and Darien turned off the flashlight. The door swung open into the corridor. Bridget stood in the doorway and waved for the others to come through. As they stepped into the hallway beyond, Darien saw an electronic keypad to his right. The green light was on which he could only hope meant it was disarmed. If they just set off an alarm, this was going to become a suicide mission.

  The hallway they stood in had ceramic floors and fluorescent lights imbedded into a track on the ceiling. They cast forth a glow that reflected off the tiles and bathed the entire area in pale light. A few doors adorned the hallway before it ended in a T intersection about fifty yards away. It appeared empty and the only sound Darien heard was his companions’ breathing. Richard took a few tentative steps into the hall, trying to keep quiet on the tiles. Darien and Bridget fanned out to either side, hugging the wall and moving forward. Susan remained in the sewers, crouched down on one knee in the darkness. Her silhouette was almost invisible.