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The Shadow Chaser (The Sheynan Trilogy Book 1) Page 3

  His only thought was that he needed to get back to Susan’s. She would be able to help him. Darien climbed into the passenger’s seat and crawled over to the other side. Once he was seated and not moving, he was able to recover. His strength returned and he was back on the road to Susan’s apartment. By the time he got there, he was strong enough to stand and walk without his legs shaking. He rang Susan’s apartment.


  “Suz, it’s me, Darien. I’m back”

  “Darien! What happened? Come up right away!”

  The buzzer sounded and Darien winced as he felt the shrill sound inside his head as much as he heard it. He growled and jerked the door open. Mark, still on duty, stood up when he saw Darien. He leaned forward, propping his hands on the security desk.

  “You alright? You don’t look so good.”

  “No, I’ll be good. I think it’s just the flu or something. I got dizzy and fell on the sidewalk.”

  Mark eased back into his seat but kept an eye on Darien as he shuffled towards the elevators. Darien made his way to Susan’s door and leaned against it while he knocked. His strength was returning, but the effort of coming to her door sapped most of it out of him. He could hear her running to answer the door. When it swung open, he fell on top of her. She managed to catch him, but had to take a step back for balance.

  “Darien! You’re bleeding!”

  She helped him to the couch and ran to the bathroom. She returned with a washcloth and bandages and began cleaning his face. The damp cloth was warm against his skin and comforting. She scraped the dirt and grime away. Once he was clean, she had him hold the washcloth against his face while she got an ice pack. When she took the washcloth off and replaced it with the cold pack, it jerked him out of his mental haze. His body still felt spent, but he felt more aware.

  “What happened?”

  Darien took a moment to put his thoughts in order and then reached up to hold the ice pack himself. “I got home, but blacked out again as soon as I got into my apartment. When I woke up, I was in the alley. I got this when I fell down on the sidewalk going to my car.”

  “You drove like this? Are you crazy?”

  “I had to get here. I felt like I was gonna die. I was so tired. I thought I was getting better, but the walk up here must’ve been too much.”

  “We need to get you to a hospital.”

  “No, not yet. I think I’m gonna be okay. I just feel drained.”

  Susan glared at him.

  “I’ll call my GP tomorrow. I’m already starting to feel better now that I’m lying down.”

  “You’re a horrible liar. You’re not feeling better.”

  He lifted the icepack and moved as if to get off the couch. Susan pushed him back down into the cushions and took the icepack from him, returning it to the freezer. Darien pushed himself up so that he was sitting against the arm of the couch with his legs stretched out in front of him. When Susan came back, she sat down on the floor.

  “Really, how are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Better. No, really, I am,” he insisted as she frowned at him. “I don’t think I could walk very far if I needed to, but I don’t feel sick anymore.”

  Darien’s phone rang, interrupting their conversation. He pulled it out and saw Erik’s picture on the display.

  “Hey roomie,” Darien collapsed against the arm of the couch as he answered the phone.

  “Right. So, I have to ask. Where are you?”

  “At Susan’s. Why?”

  “Because I just came home to find the door unlocked and stuff scattered all over the front room. I was wondering if we got robbed or if you were reverting back to your pre-roommate habits.”

  Darien sighed. “Dude, I’m so sorry. Stuff is just kind of crazy right now. I don’t even remember what happened. You wouldn’t believe the crap that I’ve had to deal with tonight if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Not over the phone. You’re heading out to your folks’ summer home this weekend, right? Can you swing by Susan’s on your way?”

  “Yes, that was my plan. I can swing by.”

  “Great! If you’re coming over anyways, I don’t suppose you feel like bringing me a bag of clothes? I think I’m going to be spending the weekend here.”

  The silence stretched on for several seconds before Erik responded. “I suppose I can manage that. But, I expect you to have the common area cleaned by the time I get back.”

  “Thanks, and sure.” Darien hung up the phone and put it back into his pocket.

  Susan shook her head. “I don’t get it. I’m surprised you haven’t killed each other by now.”

  Darien offered a shrug in response.

  “You going to tell him about the whole ‘creepy guy spying on you and taking pictures’ thing?”

  “Of course. If people are spying on me, they might be spying on him, too. If the situation was reversed, I’d want him to tell me.”

  “Speaking of Lieutenant Olson, are you going to call him?”

  “I don’t know. The guy kind of freaks me out. For all I know, he’s following me and knows I’m here. You sure I can stay for a couple of days?”

  “How many times do I need to say it isn’t a problem?” She smiled. “But you need to change. You’re a mess and you’re gonna ruin my couch.”

  Susan left the room and returned with a pair of sweatpants. She turned around so Darien could change clothes. The effort left him winded and he flopped back onto the couch. Susan picked up his dirty clothes and carried them out of the room. Oscar made his presence known by jumping on Darien’s chest and laying down, shifting his hips until he was comfortable. Out of instinct rather than conscious thought, Darien reached up and scratched behind Oscar’s ears until they both fell asleep.

  The door buzzer sounded, waking Darien up. He reached up to rub his eyes as Oscar reached out and stretched, spreading his toes and touching Darien on the chin. After the stretch, he jumped down and strolled to the bedroom. Darien twisted on the couch, seeing Susan standing near the door. She leaned against the wall and was looking at him.

  “I thought you weren’t tired.”

  “I must have dozed off. A cat purring on your chest can do that to you.”

  She laughed. “You have a point there. Erik’s here. He is on his way up right now.”

  “Good. Have I been out long?”

  “Only about half an hour or so.”

  Darien sat up. “I feel like I slept for hours. That catnap was just what I needed.” He paused for a moment. “I don’t suppose you have anything to eat?”

  Susan shook her head as she walked into the kitchen and searched through her cupboards. “I can’t believe you’re hungry again. Do you think of anything besides food?”

  He pretended to get lost in thought. “I suppose sometimes I think about my friends. No, wait. I’m usually thinking if they have anything to eat.”

  “This comes as no surprise.” Someone knocked on the door. “Come in!”

  Erik hefted a large suitcase as he walked into the apartment. He still wore his suit but had removed the tie. He saw Darien resting on the couch and brought the suitcase over, dropping it near Darien’s head.

  “Hi Susan, good to see you as always. Darien, here’s your clothes. I grabbed some at random and tossed them in. I also snagged your toiletries. Figured you might want those if you’re going to be here for a couple of days.”

  “Thanks. And I know, you want me to clean the apartment before you get back.”

  “Yes. Now, can you tell me what the hell is going on and what made you leave the apartment in such a state? Does this have anything to do with the whole fiasco with Ellen earlier?”

  Darien told Erik everything, and Erik listened in rapt attention as was his nature. While he was talking, Susan brought Darien a bowl of soup and asked Erik if he wanted anything. Erik shook his head, entranced with Darien’s tale. Susan sat down and listened to it for the second time. When it was over, Darien gulped down th
e soup.

  “So, I have no idea what happened to the apartment or how I left it. When I woke up in the alley, I could only think about getting here. I’m a little nervous about going back if I’m being watched.”

  Erik chewed on the pad of his thumb. “I could ask my dad if he could find anything out about Lieutenant Olson. He has a few contacts pretty high in the Legislature, so he might be able to find something out. Especially if I let him know that someone was taking pictures outside our apartment.”

  “Thanks. Being the son of a government official has its perks, doesn’t it?”

  Erik grinned. “Yes, it does.”

  Susan got up and stretched. “It’s getting late boys, and I need to get up early to go for a run. If you don’t mind, I’m going to leave you two alone for a while.”

  “Thanks again. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She reached down, gave Darien a hug and then walked over to Erik. “Thanks for bringing his stuff by. I don’t think my clothes would fit him very well.”

  Erik smiled and stood up to give Susan a hug. “I should probably get going. It’s still a long drive. You’re welcome to come with me and crash there if you’d prefer. It would get you out of the city.”

  “I think I’ll be okay here for now. No sense in overreacting, right?”

  “True enough. I’ll be in touch. And don’t forget to clean the apartment.”

  Darien got up and locked the deadbolt behind Erik. He walked back to the couch and collapsed on it, stretching his legs out. His eyes had barely closed before he drifted into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 4

  The wind rustled through the trees, rousing Darien. He realized that he was not where he was supposed to be. For some reason, the thought did not alarm him. Wherever he was, it carried a sense of peace that permeated through his entire soul. Easing his eyes open, he saw that he was lying in a small clearing in the woods. The blades of grass reached up past his body, enshrouding his form. The trees around him stood tall with thick trunks. The leafy canopy was so dense that what sunlight did filter down stabbed through as individual shafts. Small motes of dust floated in them, giving the beams an almost-mystical quality.

  Sensing that he was not in danger, Darien rested on the ground and took a deep breath. The air smelled like freshly tilled earth with a touch of pine trees. Far off in the distance, he heard the screech of a hawk. His eyes searched the sky and he caught a glimpse of the bird through one of the openings in the canopy. It dove down, to be lost behind the veil of vegetation.

  Several breaths later, Darien felt an intrusion on his peaceful state. He could feel the weight of someone staring at him. He sat up and his eyes were drawn to the splash of red against the verdant background. A woman in a bright red dress stood at the edge of the clearing, watching him. When their eyes met, she moved forward, flowing across the ground as if her feet never touched it. Her straight hair streamed behind her like strands of gold. She stopped when she was about ten yards away.

  “I found you, my friend.”

  Darien closed his mouth that he just realized was hanging open. “Who are you?”

  “My name’s Alyssa, and we haven’t met yet. But I’ve been looking for you. It was important that I reached you first. I wanted to introduce myself before we met. Once we have a chance to talk in person, I’ll be able to answer all your questions.”

  “What’re you talking about? What do you mean you were looking for me?”

  Alyssa held up a hand to stall his questions and was about to respond when a large crashing sound echoed through the clearing. Both of them turned towards it. A hulking man burst through the tree line, sticks clinging to his body in his mad rush. He stood easily over six feet tall and had the build of a heavyweight boxer. His face was rough with an exaggerated five o’clock shadow, and his black hair was cut short. He pointed at Alyssa as he rushed towards the center of the clearing. Darien glanced at her and saw her square her shoulders and lift her chin as she narrowed her eyes.

  “Witch! Get out of here now before I throw you out!”

  Alyssa smiled, but the gesture carried no warmth. It made Darien shiver, even though it wasn’t directed at him. When she spoke, her words were cold as ice. “Richard. Haven’t you learned not to interfere in our business?”

  Richard slid to a stop between Darien and Alyssa. Without turning away from her, he glanced over his shoulder at Darien. “Run, Darien. Run now and don’t stop until you wake up. This is a dangerous place for you, cub.”

  Darien sat still, not sure what to do. The small clearing had lost any semblance of the peace that it had carried before. Every muscle in Darien’s legs tightened, but he sat frozen. With a growl, Richard stepped back and turned, grabbing Darien by his shirt. Richard shoved him away from Alyssa with a shout. Alyssa flashed into motion, rushing Richard the moment his back was turned. Darien ran.

  He ran so hard his heart felt like it was going to burst. He didn’t look behind him. The lowest tree branches tore at his face and the underbrush seemed to tangle itself around his legs. The forest felt darker and the lack of sunlight made it feel as if the temperature dropped several degrees. Even with the exercise, his skin was covered in goose bumps. Several times he tripped and landed face-first, sliding through the dirt. He scrambled up to his feet as quickly as he could.

  His lungs on fire and his breath coming in ragged gasps, Darien saw the line of trees thinning. The darkness gave way to bright sunlight in a grassy field. He sprinted on, using the sight to motivate his legs to move faster. The edge of the trees got closer and closer. With a final lunge, he broke through, out into the open air.

  Darien shot to a sitting position, gasping for air. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face as he struggled to get his breathing under control. He looked around with wide eyes and realized he was in Susan’s living room. Sun streamed in from the windows, but it was at a low angle. He held his breath and listened, straining to hear any sound. The only thing he heard was Oscar playing with one of his toy mice on the kitchen tiles. Darien released his breath and shook his head at his own paranoia. He tossed the blanket off and kicked his feet over the edge of the couch. Putting his head between his knees, he laced his fingers behind his neck.

  “It was just a dream. It had to be a dream, even if it felt real.” He lifted his head and looked over his arms, expecting to see scratches from the branches. “See? It wasn’t real. It must have been one of those lucid dreams. You’re freaking out over nothing.”

  After his body began to listen to his mind, Darien eased himself off the couch with a groan. Grabbing his toiletries, he headed to the shower. The warm water would be the best thing to loosen up his body as well as his mind. By the time that he finished, the dream was gone. He heard Susan clattering dishes in the kitchen as she moved about.

  “Did you sleep well?” she asked as he emerged into the living room. Her pale face had a slight flush and several wisps of hair had come out of her braid.

  “Pretty much. How was your run?”

  “Good! I made seven miles today. What a way to start the day.”

  “Not for me. I’d rather start with a nice warm shower.”

  “Each to their own.”

  The two of them sat down to breakfast at the table. Susan looked through news articles on her phone while Darien stared at the wall. She glanced at him a couple of times, but he barely moved except to eat the food in front of him. She put her phone down.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Just a dream I had right before I woke up. It was weird. Different. It almost felt real. I was standing in a field in the middle of these huge, ancient trees, and it was so peaceful. Just as I was about to fall asleep in the dream, a gorgeous woman stepped out of the woods and started talking to me.”

  “If this is one of those kinds of dreams, I don’t really need to hear about it.”

  Darien’s eyes refocused and he glared at Susan. Her smile was too innocent to be believed. “It wasn’t like that. She said she
was looking for me and would see me soon. But before I could ask her anything, another guy shows up. He crashed out of the woods like a thunderstorm and told me to run. Apparently, he and Alyssa weren’t on the best of terms.”

  “She has a name?”

  “Yeah. And the guy who told me to run was Richard. They definitely knew each other. I think they got in a fight when I ran. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something about them just feels different. Like I know them. Like they were real people and we were actually having a conversation.”

  “Your imagination was probably just running wild. A little to be expected considering everything that happened to you yesterday. Speaking of which, didn’t you say you were going call your GP today?”

  Darien held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I was just about to call him and see if I could get in for an emergency check-up. Do you want to come with me, or should I head there on my own?”

  “I’ll come along. Just give me a couple of minutes to shower.”

  They finished up their breakfast and Darien took care of cleaning up as Susan left to get ready for the day. Oscar rubbed up against his legs as he was finishing. Darien picked him up and carried him to Susan’s room. He dropped the feline on the bed next to the clothes Susan had pulled out for the day. The room also had a nightstand next to the bed and a dresser against the wall near the door. A reading lamp and Susan’s current novel rested on the nightstand.

  Darien’s attention was caught by the dresser as he turned to leave. Several framed pictures rested on top of it. He picked up one near the back and traced the edge of the picture. It was from a few years ago, in the summer. He and Susan had spent the day at the beach together. His arms were draped around her and they were both smiling. As he put it back he realized how lucky he was to still call Susan his best friend. They had always been close and had tried to be a couple for a while, but their relationship fell flat for reasons he couldn’t quite explain. He told himself they were better off as they were now—as friends.